Cityscape – Photography

Mimico – Humber bay – Toronto – ON.
I chose street photography because it gives me the opportunity to interact with the city and people who make it a living being, among the stone jungle we can surprise with the human being and the architecture of the city. We constantly are shaping our city with culture, ideas and the way it looks. Not long ago this neighborhood (Mimico) has been attracting the attention of many people, whether to live, walk and ciclying, and even more, a full plate of subject for photographers who flood lakeshore with their cameras.

Ambient lighting, daytime photography provides great light for clear, crisp images. When the sun is going down and casting shadows and darkness on your scene you create this image with 3 others one.

Using a tripod and knowing that you gonna stay at the same spot for at leas an hour, you can capture the

first image at daytime, about half hour before the sunset, the next image you capture when the sun

is about to hide behind the scene and last one, at night. Merge this 3 images (can be more) on photoshop

to have the lights on the building, the facade and the sunset balanced.

sunset at mimico

Weather, this can take you from the streets when you think that outside is -20, but it worth. Coming from a tropical Country, where I had never seen snow before, I just fall in love with the weather, belive me. Most of the time where the snow start to fall, I prepare the equipment to go out. I had some hard experience through this 9 years in Canada. 🇨🇦 – The most important to be out in this condition is about your hand, due to use for set up the camera, tripod and etc…, best advise is to have an especial glove for photographers that allow you do this things without take them off. In this image, using a trippod on top of the frozend lake (mimico), Canon 5D mark III , 17mm lens and 30 sec exposure.

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Polson Pier – Sunset

Its -19 and feel likes -28, nobody at Polson Pier, to cold to be outside, especially sunday. this condition scare everybody. Take you gear, two or tree layers of clothes and lets go. This view was a suprise for me because since morning was cloudly I thought that could have a gray sunset, I didnt expect that, but as you can see, this day I was so lucky.

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